Written by Innocent Nazombe on June 15, 2021
By Wezzie Mwangonde.
As one way of reducing unemployment level challenges in the country, Malawi Bureau of Standards MBS) and Small Medium Enterprise Development Institute (SMEDI) have signed a memorandum of understanding to reach out to micro small and medium enterprises to produce products that meet the standards.

MBS Director General Presenting His speech
In his opening remarks for a two days training of Small Medium Enterprises(SME’s) for Karonga and Chitipa districts on food processing and hygiene conditions in Karonga district, MBS director general Symon Mandala has highlighted their commitment towards supporting the current government policy of Job creation by training the SME’s on standards of product production so that they have access to local and international market thereby creating employment opportunities for others.
Mandala further said the trainings will help to address the challenges of certificate accessibility which has been a complaint from SME’s.
‘What we have done to address the challenge we have reduced the fees with 50% and likewise we have subside the cost for standards because for you to come up with a product you need a standard for that particular product”, explained Mandala.
SMEDI representative, Business information specialist Harvey Chiwaya has concurred with Mandala that a good product has demand on local and international market thereby contributing to profits for the producer.
He said the MOU with MBS is there to bridge the information gap on how SME’s can be able to access the information on how their products can be certified.
‘I would like to urge the participants for the training that they should actively participate so that they acquire knowledge on quality products”, said Chiwaya.
One of the trainees, Elizabeth Mwamukangama chairpeson for Rukulu Women Rice Processing Cooperative in Karonga district has described the training as very imperative because whenever they want to conduct businesses with companies there is a demand for MBS certificates by these companies which most of the SME’s do not have therefore after the training they will be able to have these certificates.

SME’s participants group photo